In this monthly series, we are doing a weekly feature of incredible climate tech startups, companies, or projects that are leading the fight against the climate crisis.
Each month, we add these startups to our running list, which we have categorized based on fuel emission sector data from the most detailed, recent data SBC could identify from the World Resource Institute in 2016.
October week 1, 2022: In this monthly series, we highlight 5 climate tech startups to watch by featuring the incredible startups, companies, or projects that are leading the fight against the climate crisis.
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With care,
Guillaume and the SBC TEAM,
Energy use in Industry and Buildings

2019 – Auckland, New Zealand
Benjamin Howard, Danilo Perez, and Santiago de los Reyes
Elevator Pitch:
Vertus Energy is accelerating the world’s transition to green energy. Its BRIO™ technology turbocharges the production of green fuel from waste and generates a more powerful biofuel, producing 60% more energy from the same amount of waste while also processing three times the amount of waste than any other system on the market.
Problem They Solve:
Our aim is to disrupt the energy industry by making fossil natural gas extinct.
Our technologies are at the forefront of the waste-to-fuel revolution. BRIO increases the efficiency of anaerobic digestion by up to 300%, meaning anaerobic digesters (AD) can now process 3 times the amount of waste and generate 3 times the amount of energy with the same size system. BRIO is a small but powerful unit that lives inside the AD, feeding on the waste inside and generating methane-rich (80%) biogas
Interested in Vertus Energy?
To learn more about this company, see here.
Waste (water & landfills)

2020 – Linz, Austria
Joerg Radanitsch
Elevator Pitch:
Carbon Cleanup commits to the sustainable use of carbon fiber materials. Our newly developed recycling process enables valuable carbon fiber residues to be reused instead of being landfilled as done for >90% today.
Problem They Solve:
Landfilling of strategic carbon fiber materials is a global problem which requires innovative technology to be solved
Automated material classification will allow us and our customers to economically reuse carbon fiber materials. The patented device is bringing back today’s hazardous waste to the state of a valuable material.
Interested in Carbon Cleanup?
To learn more about their technology or get in touch, see here.

2022 – London, UK
Brett Cotten and Edward TJ Mitchell
Elevator Pitch:
Waste transformation for the circular economy across textiles, food ingredients, packaging, & more) – beginning with the big leather problem (no alternatives are plastic-free and can reach scale plus price parity – $100Bn market size in alternative leather alone by 2030).
For our first transformation (brewery waste into leather alternatives), the present-day numbers are 220 Mt of CO2 from leather industry annually, 2.2 billion animals killed with their hides entering materials space, and 2M+ people at risk from leather tanning chemicals (largely in places like India), not to mention all the water pollution (fashion as a whole is responsible 20% of wastewater globally). For future transformations, packaging, food ingredients, home goods, and textiles are gigatonnes worth of CO2, billions of animal lives, and more (animal agriculture is 15% of all GHG emissions).
Interested in Arda Biomaterials?
If you are interested in learning more, see here.
Cross-cutting enablers
4. Metiundo

2021 – Berlin, Germany
Dennis Nasrun
Elevator Pitch:
One solution to measure the power, heat and water consumption of a building – regulatory compliant and end to end.
Problem They Solve:
The building sector causes significant CO2 emissions.
Our one-stop solution offers an individual overall package for property managers and owners to collect all consumption data of buildings regulatory complaint.
We provide a fully digitized end-to-end process to realize new efficiency potential.
Our solution enables property managers, landlords and tenants to make an active contribution to the energy transition through the efficient use of resources.
Interested in Metiundo?
If you are interested in learning more, see here.
5. Renoster

2020 – Austin, TX, USA
Saif Bhatti and Elias Ayrey
Elevator Pitch:
Renoster provides deep transparency for carbon credit projects. We use an open, scientific rubric to provide transparent reviews, so you can discover high-quality offsets.
Problem They Solve:
Carbon offset buyers do not know how to determine quality of offset, and run reputational and economic risks in making purchases.
Renoster provides deep transparency for the world’s carbon projects through science-based reviews, giving each project a numeric figure for its climate benefit per credit.
Want to learn more about Renoster?
To learn more about their technology or get in touch see here.
Do you know of other startups we should include in our Startups to Watch Series? Submit to our list!
How do these startups fit in with all the others we have looked at?
Check out our running list of the 250+ climate tech startups to watch we have featured.