Pitch your Startup to Investors

How do founders prepare to pitch Silicon Valley Investors and overcome fundraising challenges?

✓ Building an effective pitch deck takes TIME, about 80 HOURS
✓ Silicon Valley-style pitch deck structure is unique and needs PRACTICE
✓ Crafting a compelling story worth investing in is VERY HARD
✓ You often have 1 opportunity to IMPRESS and tell a compelling story
✓ Fundraising is not fast and easy, it requires STRATEGY and PLANNING

The benefits from personalized coaching

I will coach you so that together we can craft and practice the perfect pitch.

You will benefit from a personalized:

In-depth pitch deck review

Our complete SV Startup Toolkit

Dedicated practice and rehearsal session

Strategic planning for your fundraising effort

Join hundreds of founders who have practiced and pitched with us in Silicon Valley

A proven framework for elevating your fundraising game

Guillaume de Dorlodot

CEO and Co-founder of Startup Basecamp

After 7+ years in Silicon Valley and having worked with more than 3,000 founders from 85+ countries, we noticed similar challenges.

We’ve used our experience to offer an advanced Fundraising Workshop, that will bring your startup deck and pitching game up to Silicon Valley’s high standards..

During the 2 weeks program, I will share directly with you all the experience that I’ve gained during the last 7 years in Silicon Valley. Working with dozens of founders who have raised millions, or who took part in major accelerator programs like YC and 500 or TechStars and by learning directly from VC’s and angels about their expectations.

I’ll help you to craft your Silicon Valley pitch deck and story which will become your best weapon to convince investors that your solution is worth considering for investment.   

Remember it takes up to 6 months to fundraise, but your story, your solution, and your go-to-market strategy are unique. You will need to pitch it the right way to make the difference and I will help you.

Our private fundraising sessions with our CEO include:

The Complete Silicon Valley Startup toolkit with dozens of PDFs, cheatsheets, Pitch templates, and best practices from Silicon Valley’s successful founders.

3 scheduled sessions for initial feedback, deck improvement, and pitch practice. Everything  wrapped up with strategic advice on how to lead your upcoming fundraising efforts.

✓ A 1 year SBC Membership

Together we will work hand in hand to develop and practice your pitch through the Silicon Valley investor perspective

How does it work?


Download our complete Toolkit, craft your presentation and submit your deck for review


I will prepare an in-depth feedback and strategic guidance


Start your 2 weeks of fundraising coaching with me


Get the PDF with the full schedule, dates, and price.

    Remaining spots available 13 out of 24

    We only take 2 startups per month to ensure individual focus and follow-up.

    100% money-back guarantee if services do not meet your expectations.

    Why we do what we do:

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