In this monthly series, we will be doing a weekly feature of incredible climate tech startups, companies, or projects that are leading the fight against the climate crisis.
These startups work in a number of fast-growing industry categories which include but are not limited to; EDUTECH, FINTECH, GREENTECH (including Energy and Transportation), FOOD & AG TECH, and CONSTRUTECH.
This list will give you an opportunity to better understand the problem(s) they solve, the impact they are looking to have in the climate fight, and how you can further their work.
This initiative from Startup Basecamp aims to support founders by giving them access to networking and exposure opportunities that help them to scale and finance their climate tech solutions.
Do not hesitate to join our collective movement by requesting your membership.
With care,
Guillaume and the SBC TEAM,

2019 – Colorado, USA
Brent Lewis, Scott Frazier
Elevator Pitch:
We deliver the entire CO₂ capture-transport-storage value chain from screening through development, construction, operation and project closure – with a commitment to finding the right solution for emitters, communities, and the environment. We are a super developer.
Problem They Solve:
Carbon America chooses from a range of capture technology options, manages the transportation and logistics, researches, optimizes, selects, oversees, and takes on the liabilities of secure geologic sequestration sites, and deals with all the critical enabling activities, such as tax equity, permitting, project financing, sequestration site management, and qualification for incentives, so that you don’t have to. This vertical integration means we turn the complex, multi-faceted undertaking of CCS into comprehensive, simple solutions for our partners.
We’re a passionate, hard-working, and quick-moving group of people that are driven by the mission to save the planet. We believe we can make a difference in the battle against climate change by leading the carbon capture and sequestration industry and we are building a like-minded team to help do just that.
Series A
Interested in Carbon America?
To learn more about Carbon America, see here.
Energy Production Startups:
2. Circular Carbon Chemistry

2022 – Berlin, Germany
Christoph Zehe, Christian Vollmann
Elevator Pitch:
C1 develops new, climate-friendly chemical production processes by rethinking chemical reactions from the atomic level all the way up to production scale.
Problem They Solve:
Methanol is a substance that powers our industry. It is one of the most produced basic chemicals and powers a number of chemical production processes. But above all, it powers the global greenhouse effect. The process is based on fossil fuels and 100 years old. We have found a competitive way to produce methanol from non-fossil feedstocks.
The first innovation to spin out of our quantum-chemistry platform is a novel, proprietary methanol catalysis. This groundbreaking technology disrupts a century old chemical production process and enables us to unlock non-fossil feedstocks for the production of green methanol, no matter the scale. It’s nothing less but a milestone. It will make shipping and the chemical industry carbon neutral. It saves several gigatons of CO₂ – every single year. It will help to stop climate change.
Interested in C1?
If you are interested in learning more about Carbon One see here.
Buildings and Infrastructure Startups:
3. Audette

Elevator Pitch:
Audette’s mission is to get carbon out of buildings and we do that by creating net-zero roadmaps for large commercial real estate portfolios through our software-as-a-service.
Problem They Solve:
The current approach to managing carbon risk doesn’t scale.
Commercial real estate makes up 20% of global carbon emissions and is far behind on the road to decarbonization. Every building in the world has access to the data, technology and capital to become carbon-free, but managers lack the insight on how to start.
Audette is a pioneering platform made by a team of real estate experts and data scientists. In a world going carbon free, we know commercial real estate plays a big part and Audette is the most robust carbon-reduction platform to accelerate that transition. We’re creating a carbon plan for every existing building on the planet, and transforming the market with every one.
Interested in Audette?
To learn more about their business, click here.
Transportation Startups:

Founded: 2016 – Toronto, Canada
Laura Bryson, Carter Li
Elevator Pitch:
SWTCH streamlines the charging experience for drivers while optimizing usage and revenue for charger owners.
Problem They Solve:
Electric vehicles are rapidly gaining popularity. EV charging increases property values while attracting high-value tenants and residents. EV charging allows owners to stay competitive with modern green building standards and practices.
SWTCH provides end-to-end EV charging and energy management solutions. Our smart EV charging platform streamlines the charging experience for drivers while optimizing usage and revenue for building owners. Importantly, all our technology is based on open communication standards to ensure scalable, future-proof charging infrastructure. Ultimately, our mission at SWTCH is to improve EV charging accessibility in urban multi-tenant settings and ensure effective integration of EVs in our clean transportation future.
Series A
Interested in SWTCH?
To learn more about their technology or get in touch, see here.
Food Tech Startups:
5. Clean Crop Technologies

2019 – Massachussetts, USA
Daniel White, Daniel Cavanaugh
Elevator Pitch:
Clean Crop Technologies is translating groundbreaking research on ways to reduce molds, toxins, and pests into commercial scale services for the global grain and nut sectors.
Problem They Solve:
The World Resources Institute estimates that by 2050, we need to grow over 56% more food while using drastically fewer resources per crop calorie. 30% of food is wasted, largely due to pathogens, toxins, pests and climatic stress. We use an energetic field to create tailored gas blends that have the unique ability of removing contaminants from food surfaces (without leaving any residue behind) and enhancing seed performance.
Our product increases yield and shelf life without loss of quality. It is effective on a wide range of pathogens, toxins, molds, and yeasts, while leaving behind no residues or harmful byproducts in a way that energy efficient and scalable.
Series A
Interested in CleanCrop?
To learn more about their technology or get in touch see here.