For Investors

Gain access to high-quality & curated
climate tech deal flow

Our collaborative approach, backed by an extensive global network of exceptional founders and top-tier investors in the Climate Tech ecosystem, grants us unparalleled access to the most promising deals in the industry.

Through interviews with over 100+ VCs and a thorough analysis of more than 500+ startup deals, we have developed a robust “VC framework” methodology that enables us to evaluate and develop well-informed opinions on various deal opportunities.

We collaborate and share deals with a trusted network of the best VCs offering the following features:


Global climate tech VCs


Total VC funds to be deployed


VC introductions


Startups closing rounds

Uncover selected Startups

We source climate tech startups of the following stages:

Series A

Some of the Industries we cover:

  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Storage
  • Carbon Capture and Storage
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Green Transportation
  • Smart Grids
  • Climate Monitoring & Analysis
  • Sustainable Materials
  • Sustainable Water Management

Many long standing relationships

Join a network of firms that makes the difference

How does it work for Investors?

Our application process is short and sweet - we know your time is in high demand!

A short application form and initial call will help us get to know you, your investments thesis and define the base of our collaboration

Online Application


Create your Investors account and submit your application here.

There is no application deadline, and we assess applications on a rolling basis, so apply as soon as you’re ready.

Call with our Team

Deep Dive

The Startup Basecamp team will communicate directly with you. 

If we see a fit, we will internally screen your application and proceed into an internal due diligence process, starting with an introduction call.


Throughout the Process

If your fund aligns with our program, you’ll receive confirmation of your membership shortly after our due diligence process 

After setting up your member’s profile, you’ll be welcomed into the community and start receiving member benefits.


Make Some Noise

We will support your sourcing activities by including you in our matchmaking email and giving you access to our community. 

We will maintain continuous contact with you to ensure you remain updated and we are able to communicate your updates to our growing founders network.

Community Success Stories

Switch Bioworks

The living fertilizer company

Stage: Seed

($ 17 M)

Industry: Biotechnology Research

Location: San Carlos, CA, USA

Switch Bioworks engineers symbiotic microbes to produce sustainable and cost-effective nitrogen fertilizer under the control of precise genetic circuits.

CarbonX Climate

Removing Carbon Permanently

Stage: Early Stage VC


Industry: Environmental Services

Location: Paris, FR

CarbonX is your trusted Carbon Removals (CDR) procurement and management partner for high-quality permanent carbon dioxide removals to reach your Net Zero targets.

Power to Hydrogen

Converting renewable electricity and water into high-pressure hydrogen.

Stage: Series A

($18 M)

Industry: Oil & Gas

Location: Columbus, OH, USA

Power to Hydrogen's mission is to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy. They achieve this through their innovative AEM Electrolyzer (Anion Exchange Membrane) technology.

Let's co-invest together!

Climate Investors Alliance

You lead, we co-invest with our network of FO.

Utilizing our broad network of Family Offices and Super Angels, we have developed a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) specifically designed for investing in companies participating in our Matchmaking Initiative.

For eligibility for direct investments, companies in the Pre-Seed to Series A stages must be accompanied by a leading VC firm in the funding round.

Investing from €100K up to €1M

Strategic Investors

Investing in only VC-led rounds

Membership benefits


Regular climate tech flow directly to your inbox


High-quality, pre-screened start-ups that are fundraising NOW!


Get direct access to the founding teams.


Visibility across the global climate tech community

How much does it cost?



per month

Cancel anytime.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

The F4TF matchmaking initiative is designed for early-stage startups, ranging from pre-seed to Series A funding, operating in any sector within the climate tech space.

Our process of selecting startups for investment entails a meticulous and systematic approach to identifying promising opportunities with the highest potential for success. 

To achieve this, we have established a robust internal VC framework and maintain close communication with founders through 2 screening meetings before a decision by our investment committee, emphasizing alignment with our selection criteria to ensure a perfect fit for our matchmaking initiative and the investors receiving the deal flow.

We have strong pre-selection criteria and a due diligence process that includes the following factors:

– Strong alignment with the mission of building a sustainable future.
– Emphasis on domain expertise with a deep understanding of the climate tech sector.
– Demonstrated resilience and resourcefulness in tackling the challenges of climate-focused entrepreneurship.
– A clear understanding of the risks associated with the business and a plan to mitigate them.
– A roadmap for technology development if necessary, along with strategies to validate market demand and secure financing.

Alongside this, as an ecosystem, we have exclusive access to a high calibre of stakeholders throughout the world, including universities, research labs and founders themselves to provide high-quality deal flow.

Our goal is to identify promising startups with the potential to make a significant climate impact by giving them the highest level of visibility to investors throughout the globe.

We curate batches of startups and share them with our investor network every 3-4 weeks. This enables potential funding opportunities for the selected startups.

While we cannot guarantee introductions through our matchmaking initiative and do not directly introduce startups to investors outside of the initiative, we actively seek opportunities to connect startups with relevant stakeholders, including potential investors, industry partners, and mentors.

Once selected, we warmly welcome the founder(s) as a valued portfolio company. We kick-start the journey by carefully curating the startup’s information, which we then share with our network of investors.

Through regular email communication, we extend invitations to Investors for exclusive community events alongside carefully selected Founders, fostering meaningful connections. Moreover, we keep our growing investor network updated on your remarkable progress enhancing founders visibility and opportunities within the ecosystem!

The “Flat rate” success fees allow us at Startup Basecamp to sustain and grow our ecosystem, ensuring ongoing support for founders even after they receive funding.

Over 70% of startups in our portfolio have benefited from introductions to investors fostering valuable connections within the climate technology ecosystem.

In addition to matchmaking with investors, we offer a range of ecosystem support, including:

– Mentorship and guidance from industry experts and successful entrepreneurs.
– Access to workshops and educational resources to enhance entrepreneurial skills.
– Networking opportunities with other climate tech startups, potential partners, and customers.
– Exposure through events and conferences to showcase innovations and ideas.
– Continued support and advisory services even after funding, aiding in long-term growth and success.

While our primary focus is on startups operating in the climate tech space, we work with companies from around the globe. Our ecosystem service aims to foster connections and collaboration within the global climate tech community, providing a diverse range of investment opportunities for VCs.

Our ecosystem is uniquely tailored to the climate tech sector, ensuring that investors have access to a curated selection of startups from all over the world with high growth potential.

We prioritize speed in our selection process, allowing investors to seize opportunities quickly. Moreover, our commitment to ongoing support sets us apart, as we actively nurture our portfolio companies beyond funding.

Confidentiality is paramount in our operations. We handle all sensitive information with the utmost care and adhere to strict data protection protocols. Before sharing startup details with investors, we ensure that necessary agreements are in place to protect confidentiality.

Certainly. We regularly organize exclusive events and networking opportunities where VCs can connect with founders within our ecosystem. These events facilitate meaningful interactions and foster a collaborative community.

Let's start to collaborate:

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